Plenaristas / Plenary speakers
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Miguel Beas Miranda Maestro de Primera Enseñanza, Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras (Sección de Historia), Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación (Sección Pedagogía), Doctor en Filosofía y Letras (Ciencias de la Educación, Sección Pedagogía) por la Universidad de Granada (España). Profesor titular jubilado de la Universidad de Granada. Ha impartido docencia en todos los niveles educativos. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el análisis de los libros de texto, ciudadanía, identidades, nacionalismo, historia de la educación, emociones, agentes educativos y currículum. Ha dirigido 12 tesis doctorales y ha participado en diversos proyectos de investigación, publicado numerosos artículos y capítulos de libros y ha impartido conferencias en universidades de Europa y América. |
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Dr. Paula Golombek She is Clinical Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Florida (USA), where she developed the Undergraduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language Program. One of her primary responsibilities in the program is to mentor novice teachers in the practicum—the context in which she tries to apply and research Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory to language teacher development in practice. Her research interests include language teacher narrative inquiry as professional development, teacher learning in second language teacher education, including the functional role of teacher emotions, and sociocultural research and perspective on language teacher professional development. Paula recently co-edited with Maria Coady and Nidza Marichal, Educating Multilingual Students in Rural Schools Illuminating Diversity in Rural Communities in the United States. She also co-authored with Karen E. Johnson Mindful L2 Teacher Education: A Sociocultural Perspective on Cultivating Teachers’ Professional Development, as well as co-edited Teachers’ Narrative Inquiry as Professional Development and Research on Second Language Teacher Education: A Sociocultural Perspective on Professional Development. Paula has published numerous articles on L2 teacher development in Profile, Language Teaching Research, Modern Language Journal, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, Language Teaching Research, System, Teaching and Teacher Education, and TESOL Quarterly. She has a long-standing commitment to language teacher development in Colombia and Mexico, and to making teachers’ voices public by serving on the Scientific Committee of the Colombian journal Profile since 2011 and editor of the Practitioner Research Section of Language Teaching Research since 2018. |
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Karen E. Johnson She is Kirby Professor of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics at The Pennsylvania State University (USA). Her scholarship has been devoted to building theory and conducting research on L2 teacher cognition within and for the field of L2 teacher education. Grounded in a Vygotskian sociocultural ‘theory of mind’, her scholarship centers on understanding the learning of L2 teaching, the activity of L2 teaching, and the practices of L2 teacher education. She has accomplished this by empirically documenting the dialogic mediation that emerges inside the practices of L2 teacher education, tracing L2 teacher development as it is unfolding, and detailing the consequences of these interactions on the ways in which L2 teachers begin to think about and attempt to enact their instructional practices with L2 students in the socially situated institutions in which they live and work. Additionally, she has argued that the transformative power of teachers engaging in narrative activities lies in its ability to ignite cognitive processes that can foster L2 teacher professional development and, as a result, critical to the design, enactment, and assessment of the consequences of L2 teacher education. She has published nine scholarly books, the most recent Praxis-oriented Pedagogy for Novice L2 Teacher: Developing Teacher Reasoning (2023, Routledge). At the core of this book lies a unique set of pedagogical concepts: linguistically compact, conceptually rich chunks of language that function as psychological tools for L2 teaching. In the MA TESL and the Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics degree programs, she teaches courses in Teaching English as a Second Language, Teaching L2 Writing, Communication in Second Language Classrooms, Theory and Research in Language Teacher Education, and Sociocultural Theory and L2 Learning. |
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Martha Lengeling She holds a PhD in Language Studies from Kent University (UK) and an MA in TESOL from West Virginia University (US). She works as a teacher educator in the BA in English Language Teaching and the MA in Applied Linguistics of English Language Teaching at the Language Department of the Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico). She has presented at conferences and published articles, chapters, and books internationally and nationally. Her research interests include narrative inquiry, teacher development, teacher socialization, identity, and emotions. Martha is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores - SNI). She was also the Chief Editor of the MEXTESOL Journal for more than seven years. |
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Anthony J. Liddicoat He is Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick and Adjunct Professor in Justice and Society at the University of South Australia. He is a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences and the Executive Editor of Current Issues in Language Planning and Co-editor of the book series Language and Intercultural Communication in Education (Multilingual Matters). His research interests include issues relating to the teaching and learning of intercultural capabilities in language education and language policy and planning and he has published widely in each of these areas. His recent books include Médiation interculturelle en didactiques des langues et des cultures/Intercultural mediation in the teaching and learning of languages and cultures (2023, editions des archives contemporain, with Martine Derivry-Plard et al.), Teaching and learning second language pragmatics for intercultural understanding (2022, Routledge, with Troy McConachy), Introduction to conversation analysis (2021, Bloomsbury), Routledge international handbook of language education policy in Asia (2019, Routledge) Language policy and planning in universities: Teaching, research and administration (2017, Routledge). |
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Juana Mahissa Reyes Muñoz She is an associate professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota Campus. She has been working at the Foreign Languages Department for over twenty years in the areas of ELT, Translation Training, and Official Translators’ Certification. She is also a member of the PROFILE Research Group, and a freelance translator and interpreter. |