Estudiantes de pregrado del Departamento CONVOCATORIAS 2019-0421 y 2019-0422, convocatorias para el apoyo a la gestión - Dirección y Coordinación del Departamento. |
Convocatoria informal por favor leer: Se solicita estudiante o profesional en antropología para realización de proyecto de turismo local en una ranchería en el Macuira, Uribia, Alta Guajira. Es una iniciativa de una familia de esta región que necesita asesoría para la creación del proyecto productivo para obtener apoyo financiero. Las actividades comprenden análisis del contexto geográfico y legal de territorio, apoyo en la generación del documento del proyecto y creación de directrices para el satisfactorio desarrollo del mismo. No hay pago monetario; la familia se compromete a la alimentación (lo mismo que ellos comen) y estadía (un chinhorro). No hay requisitos formales pero saber sobre generación de proyectos, legislación de PNN y territorio de minorias étnicas les facilitará mucho el trabajo (nada que un fin de semana en internet no solucione). Recomendado para aquellos que quieren ganar experiencia, buscan tema de tesis, interesados en el pueblo Wayúu, uso de la tierra, wayunaiki, turismo local o todos los anteriores. Para mayor información comunicarse al correo electrónico o al WhatsApp +351 962 733 916 |
Convocatoria de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz para estudiantes que estén cursando pregrados o posgrados relativos a la disciplinas de psicología, antropología, ciencias políticas, historia, economía, estadística, trabajo social y derecho. |
Conv. 1-2 colaboradores Revista Arqueología y Patrimonio -AP-. #RevistasICANH recuerda que se encuentra abierta la convocatoria para la recepción de colaboraciones para el próximo número de la Revista Arqueología y Patrimonio -AP-. |
Profesional social - Doctorado Se buscan profesionales con doctorado o próximos a terminar doctorado, con experiencia docente en posgrado y conocimientos en el área de teorías sociales clásicas y/o latinoamericanas, para dictar un curso de maestría en una de dichas áreas fuera de Bogotá viernes y sábados. Para obtener mayor información enviar un correo a Alejandro Camargo |
Profesional social preferiblemente antropólogo "Integral S.A requiere Profesional social preferiblemente antropólogo con experiencia en consulta previa y trabajo con comunidades étnicas". |
Auxiliar de arqueología "Importante empresa de consultoria requiere estudiantes de antropología que cuenten con experiencia en arqueología, específicamente en prospección, rescate y monitoreo. Con disponibilidad de viajar. Favor abstenerse de aplicar a la oferta si no cumple con los requisitos". |
Concurso Profesoral 2016 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas "La Decanatura de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas tiene el gusto de informarles que ya se encuentra abierta la convocatoria al Concurso Profesoral 2016 para proveer cargos docentes en Dedicación de Tiempo Completo y Cátedra en los departamentos de Antropología, Geografía, Historia, Lenguas Extranjeras, Lingüística, Sociología y Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Bogotá". HAY TRES VACANTES PARA TRABAJAR EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE ANTROPOLOGÍA |
Práctica en el Ministerio de Cultura "Con toda atención presentamos la convocatoria del MINISTERIO DE CULTURA para realizar actividades de prácticas y pasantías durante el primer semestre de 2017: Los(as) estudiantes de los Departamentos de Historia, Antropología, Sociología y Geografía que se encuentren interesados(as) en postularse, deben enviar al correo electrónico, a más tardar el día miércoles 28 de diciembre 2016, un solo archivo que contenga los siguientes documentos y cuyo asunto mencione a cual convocatoria aplicará:
Tenure track faculty position / Reclutamiento en puesto probatorio "The Department of Sociology and Anthropology of the College of Social Sciences at the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico announces a search for a full time, tenure track faculty position in the Program of Sociology to begin in August 2017. Les incluyo información para un puesto docente probatorio en el Departamento de Sociología y Antropología, para el programa de sociología. Estamos buscando examinar los expedientes de buenos/as candidatos/as en las áreas de metodología, criminología, y métodos cuantitativos, o cualquier combinación de las mismas".
Assistant Professor - Gender, Sexuality and Global Health in Sub-Saharan Africa "The University of Virginia Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies invites applicants for a beginning Assistant Professor position in gender, sexuality and global health in sub-Saharan Africa. We are especially interested in applicants whose work focuses on gender and sexual identity, national citizenship and LGBT human rights, and global health under neoliberalism. We welcome applications from Women's & Gender Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Global Health, African Studies, Environment, and Queer Studies". |
Lecturer, Instructor, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor Faculty positions "Georgia Gwinnett College in Georgia seeks applications for lecturer, instructor, assistant, associate and full professor faculty positions to begin Fall Semester 2017. Applicants for assistant, associate and full professor should hold the doctorate or appropriate terminal degree in their discipline before or within the semester of the start date. Applicants for instructor and lecturer positions should hold a Master’s degree in their discipline before or within the semester of the start date. GGC is an institution that values and encourages innovative teaching. In addition to teaching, applicants are expected to actively participate in scholarly activities, extensive student engagement and to contribute in the area of service to the college and community". CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA HASTA QUE SE OCUPEN LAS VACANTES |
Assistant Professor - Archaeology "The Department of Anthropology in The Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of the City University of New York invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Archaeology to begin August 25, 2017. The Department seeks theoretically and empirically grounded candidates with excellence in teaching and research. We are particularly interested in archaeologists who share the Department's commitment to social justice, and to public scholarship around questions of race, gender, sexuality, ability, citizenship, and globalization; geographical area is open. Research and teaching relevant to Museum Studies and/or public anthropology will be given strong consideration". |
Postdoctoral Fellow in Critical Race Studies "Northwestern University seeks candidates for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Critical Race Studies. Individuals trained in the humanities or humanistic social sciences are encouraged to apply. Areas of specialization are open, and applications from scholars whose expertise furthers connections with Northwestern’s ethnic studies programs, including its emergent Native and Indigenous Studies Program, are especially welcome. The successful candidate will be paired with a senior faculty mentor, offer two courses per year, and offer one public lecture per year. They will also be invited to participate in the planning of events and programming related to Critical Race Studies". |
Mellon-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative Revolutions "The Mellon Sawyer Seminar at Brandeis University, Massachusetts, invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship for 2017-2018. The position will hold the title of Mellon-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative Revolutions with the rank of Lecturer. The theme for this seminar is “Misplaced Dreams and Forgotten Revolutions: Conceptualizing Twentieth Century Revolutions in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East”". |
Postdoctoral Associate in Pre-Modern Cultures and Civilizations "Yale University, Connecticut, seeks to appoint a Postdoctoral Associate in ancient and pre-modern cultures and civilizations. The geographic scope includes East Asia, India, Central Asia, Mesopotamia, Africa, the Mediterranean, and the New World. This is a two-year position beginning in the academic year 2017-18 and attached to Archaia: the Yale Program for the Study of Ancient and Premodern Cultures and Societies". |
Lecturer in Social Anthropology "The School of Social and Political Sciences is at the forefront of teaching and research in the social sciences in Australia. The School has a team of dedicated academic and professional staff in the disciplines of Political Science, Criminology, Anthropology and Sociology as well as our allied research centres providing a dynamic and rewarding environment for staff and students. The Lecturer in Social Anthropology will undertake research resulting in quality publications with leading publishers in the field and will teach at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As well as teaching in their areas of interest, the successful candidate will have the ability to teach core subjects in the Anthropology curriculum. The School is particularly interested in applicants who are in a position to provide specialist subjects in Ethnographic Methods and The Anthropology of Work". |
Anthropology/Sociology Instructor - East Kern, Kern Community College District in California "This is a full-time, 175-day position as a community college Anthropology and Sociology Instructor. Teaching faculty are responsible for providing a full professional week which includes but is not limited to Anthropology and Sociology courses, and may include those at the developmental, college, and transfer levels". CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA HASTA OCUPAR LAS VACANTES. |
American Ethnic and Identity Studies Instructor. Highline College in Washington, USA "This is a full-time, tenure-track faculty position. Typically that includes teaching 45 credits and participating in departmental and college-wide activities". |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology. Union College in New York, USA "The Department of Anthropology at Union College (Schenectady, New York) seeks applicants for a one-year visiting position at the assistant professor level. We seek socio-cultural candidates whose research/teaching interests complement those of our current faculty. We are particularly interested in scholars working in the Caribbean, the Middle East, or the former Soviet Union". |