Asociación Colombiana de Antropología (ACAN)
Autor(a): Asociación Colombiana de Antropología, |
Asociación de egresados de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Red social. |
The Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Is the largest professional Association in the world for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America. With over 5,000 members, twenty-five percent of whom reside outside the United States, LASA is the one Association that brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavors, across the globe. |
The American Anthropological Association |
Sociedad Colombiana de Arqueología.
Página en construcción. |
Official homepage of the Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA). The first chapter of SLACA was founded by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in 1969 to advance the study of Latin American anthropology. Autor(a): The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, |
Los Inmarcesibles.
Sección Colombia de la LASA (Latin American Studies Association). Autor(a): Sección Colombia "Los Inmarcesibles" (LASA Sección Colombia), |
La Red de Antropologías del Mundo (RAM)
World Anthropologies Network Autor(a): Red de Antropologías del Mundo - World Anthropologies Network, |
AIBR - Asociación de Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red
Miembro de la International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Autor(a): Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red, AIBR |
Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología Forense
Autor(a): Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología Forense, |
World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA)
The world Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) is a network of national, regional and international associations that aims to promote worldwide communication and cooperation in anthropology. Its primary objectives are:
The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America was organized in 2001, to provide an independent professional association for anthropologists specializing in lowland regions of South America (the Amazon, Orinoco, and Rio de la Plata river basins and adjacent areas). SALSA’s main goals are to foster sound and ethical research on the peoples and environments of lowland South America, and to promote the education of students and the general public on issues that we study. Autor(a): Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, |